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Details of Conditional expression

Conditional expression† is specified with a character string: a hash (#) at the head, and after that, search condition of the specified format follows.

You may use conditional expressions only when you search materials in the libraries.

Description format of conditional expression

A conditional expression is described with a pair of a search item and a value. Two or more pairs are available for an expression.
A conditional expression is described with a determiner and an operator.

  • Determiner

    Determiner is a character string that represents a search item. A simplified 2-letter string is also available.

  • Operator

    Operator is a character string that specifies how to evaluate a condition with values or pairs of search items and values. Operator includes the following: and, or, not, near, followedby and parentheses.
    The following table shows the meaning of operators and examples of specification.

Operator Meaning Example
Value Interpretation
and Applies to all entries. computer and network Applies to both “computer” and “network”.
or Applies to one or more of entries. computer or network Applies to either “computer” or “network”.
not Applies to none of entries. not computer Does not apply to “computer”.
computer not network Applies to “computer” but does not apply to “network”.
near Two words appear close to each other (in random order). The target match 'computer' and 'network' and there are 20 or fewer letters between those words.
computer near(5,10) network The target match 'computer' and 'network' and there are 5-10 letters between those words.
followedby Two words appear close to each other (in the specified order). computer followedby network 「The words 'computer' and 'network' appear in this order and there are 20 or fewer letters between those words.
computer followedby(8) network The words 'computer' and 'network' appear in this order and there are 8 or fewer letters between those words.
( ) Expands the string in ( ) first. information and (computer or network) Applies to either “computer” or “network” and also applies to “information”.

For the number of letters for near and followedby, an arbitrary number can be specified. (A,B) indicates 'letters between A and B' and (C) indicates 'C or fewer letters'. Specify the number after near or followedby. In that event, do not include any space character before the number.

When you specify determiners and operators, you may use any of double-byte or single-byte characters and capital or small letters.


  • When you specify a determiner, an operator, equator, equal sign, or hash as a value, delimit it with double quotation marks.

Search items and values

A conditional expression is specified in the format “Determiner=Value”. For the equal sign, you may use either double-byte or single-byte character.

For some search items, such as location, which are provided in the form of both values and codes, you may use either codes or character strings to specify values.

Use operators to specify two or more values for one search item, such as “material located in either the reference room or the stockroom” or “material whose title contains volleyball but does not contain beach”.

Combination of conditions

To describe two or more pairs of a search item and a value to specify a conditional expression, use operators.


Determiner Items for condition Note
Standard Abbr.
KEYWORD4 K4 Keyword The same applies to the input area of brief search.
AUTHOR1 A1 Author
YEAR PD Publication year Hyphenate the start and end years*.
JFGROUP JF Japanese/Foreign group Specify code.
LANGUAGE LA Language Specify code.
CLASS CC Classification
CALLNO CA Call mark
GSMD GS G/SMD Specify code.
LOCATION LO Location Specify code.
ARRIVAL AR New arrivals
ANNEX AN Select annex Specify annex number.
USER11 U11 Item A Search by partial match.
USER12 U12 Item B Search by partial match.
USER13 U13 Item C Search by partial match.
USER21 U21 Code A Specify code.
USER22 U22 Code B Specify code.
USER23 U23 Code C Specify code.
USER31 U31 Item A Search by partial match.
USER32 U32 Item B Search by partial match.
USER33 U33 Item C Search by partial match.
USER41 U41 Code A Specify code.
USER42 U42 Code B Specify code.
USER43 U43 Code C Specify code.
DGROUP DG Digitalization group
EJOURNAL EJ Electronic
EJAGENCY EA Provided by Specify code.

(*) Publication year (start or end year) may be omitted. Specifying a year searches materials published in the specified year.


