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Below describes how to read the result list obtained by different search methods.
Performing normal search shows a list of materials found in the library (you usually use).
As well as the library (you usually use), the materials found in external services can be obtained.
In the service selection section at the top of the window, the list of available external services and the number of materials found in there are shown. Tapping or clicking a service name shows the list of the materials in the corresponding service.
The contents and available operations in the result list vary depending on the database, the library (you usually use) or external services. For more details, refer to the description in the pages below.
The list of materials in the selected category is shown. The selected category name is also shown in the list.
The contents and available operations in the result list vary depending on the database, the library (you usually use) or external services. For more details, refer to the description in the pages below.
Performing advanced search shows a list of matching materials found in the target database.
In the result list, the specified conditions are shown at the left top of the window. If the list does not contain the materials you are searching, tap or click [Re-set conditions] to specify other conditions.
The contents and available operations in the result list vary depending on the database, the library (you usually use) or NII comprehensive catalog database (NACSIS catalog). For more details, refer to the description in the pages below.